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A round golden sink from above
A young brunette women shown from behind pointing to something.
Selfie of mine, at a beach, sunglasses on, messy beard from swimming
My cousin took a selfie of us while I was taking a photo of something in the background with a larger zoom lens
A couple sharing a bike
Graffitti artwork spray painted on some wall
Three old Deutsche Mark bills of the donomination 100DM, 50DM and 10DM
A black doe with red word on it: Always
A spray painted mural depicting a grey/purple dove flying over a stylized orange sun. Big Lettering: FLY HIGH
A note with an illustrated pizza slice detailing what kind of pizza I want. 32cm Tonno +Cheese Crust +Pepperoni
A three dimensional monopoly game board/artwork thingy
A ring made out of christmasy items such as candy canes, stars, ornaments, christmas trees etc and the inscription Merry Christmas 2014 in the middle of that ring